Scottish festivals

Scottish festivals Image

Scottish festivals

One of the highlights of the Scottish calendar is the Edinburgh festivals. The theatre, film and literary festivals take place every year and attract thousands of visitors from all over the world.

The main Edinburgh festival offers comedy, theatre and music events that take place in venues all over the city. Some tickets are costly and you will need to book in advance to be sure of getting into the event, but others are free, taking place in pubs and other smaller venues.

Venue rules

Every venue will vary slightly in rules such as dress codes and whether or not you can eat and drink during the event, but they are all the same in one aspect – you will not be able to smoke. This is due to the laws on smoking in public places. One option is snus, nicotine pouches that will help you to beat any cravings while the event is on.

With so many events taking place for each festival, planning your trip is essential. The festivals can be on for a few weeks at a time but most people are only able to visit for a couple of days. Work out in advance which shows you want to see and plan your trip around those dates. Book any tickets you need and accommodation too to be sure that you do not miss out.

Scotland in Arts

Author | richard Comments | Comments Off on Scottish festivals Date | January 24, 2023

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